Maker, Mover, Manifester - which entrepreneurial type are you?

Maker, Mover, Manifester - which entrepreneurial type are you?


Navigating the startup seas? We've crafted a compass -  our Movers, Makers, and Manifesters framework, to be your guide. Uncover your superpowers and spot areas where a teammate's support could make all the difference.

We've identified three key traits from the Big Five (OCEAN) personality test as a must for startup success: Makers (Openness), Movers (Extraversion), and Manifesters (Agreeableness).

  • Makers - Creative force turning ideas into solutions

  • Movers - Faces of the business driving interest and spreading the word

  • Manifesters - Provide stability, bring order, and ensure efficiency

By understanding these key traits, you're not just building a team; you're cultivating a dynamic force ready to conquer the challenges of startup life.

Try our entrepreneurial talent quiz to see whether you're a Maker, Mover, or Manifester 

(10 questions) Please click here if the quiz doesn't appear below

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